Your marketing efforts should involve more than just the odd email or social media update. Each time a customer interacts with your business presents a marketing opportunity - a chance for you to promote your brand, its offering and its personality! Whilst it may be a little late to organise and execute a full-blown Halloween marketing campaign between now and the 31st October, there are still a few nice little touches that you can implement over the next 6 days…
It goes without saying: Christmas is an unmissable commercial opportunity for most companies across all sectors.
Now is a great time to start planning your marketing campaign for this year’s festivities!
Christmas gives you the chance to devise creative marketing campaigns. Of course, they have the same aims & objectives as your standard marketing campaign: Building brand awareness, driving traffic and genering enquiries. However, Christmas gives you a “free-pass” to contact customers (both current and prospective) because people are more likely to feel very jolly (and thus, more receptive to your communications), and of course, they will appreciate your Christmassy-themed marketing efforts!
Start planning ahead…
Halloween - Tuesday 31st October
Bonfire Night - Sunday 5th November
Black Friday - Friday 24th November
Cyber Monday - Monday 27th November
Christmas Day - Monday 25th December
New Year’s Eve - Sunday 31st December
Here at CSI Media, our design team love to create seasonal graphics, whether it’s a spooky version of your logo for Halloween, Christmas cards (either print or digital), Black Friday banners, or a themed email campaign for whichever event you wish to target!